FE200599, 52" Sure-Lok Non-Retractable Shoulder Belt (L Track)

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  • FE200599, 52" Sure-Lok Non-Retractable Shoulder Belt (L Track)
  • FE200599, 52" Sure-Lok Non-Retractable Shoulder Belt (L Track)
  • FE200599, 52" Sure-Lok Non-Retractable Shoulder Belt (L Track)
  • FE200599, 52" Sure-Lok Non-Retractable Shoulder Belt (L Track)
  • FE200599, 52" Sure-Lok Non-Retractable Shoulder Belt (L Track)
  • FE200599, 52" Sure-Lok Non-Retractable Shoulder Belt (L Track)
MSRP: $32.04
— You save $1.07


  • FE200599
  • Non-Retractable Shoulder Belt for Series L Track
  • AL700 Titan Occupant Restraints
  • Wheelchair Equipment
  • Length: 52"
  • (ML-410)
  • Made in the USA
  • Sure-Lok’s limited warranty coverage applies only to factory defects in materials and workmanship: 1 year limited warranty coverage

Non-Retractable Shoulder Belt attaches to Series L Track on vehicle sidewall, providing increased positioning flexibility for multiple station vehicles.

Height Adjustable - Non Retractable: FE200599HA 72"

Cross #'s: 65005335, 6500-5335, 14-SB-599, SAT-FE200599, FE200732

1. Position the Wheelchair

With wheelchair and occupant facing forward, center the wheelchair between floor tracks or plates. Apply the wheelchair hand brakes and turn off power on motorized wheelchairs.

2. Attach the Front Tie-Downs

The front tie-downs need approximately a 45° angle from the floor. Install the track fitting into a floor track or plate opening that is 3” to 8” outside the front wheel. Pull on fitting to ensure it is properly locked in the track and keeper is facing away from the wheelchair. Loop the other end of the tie-down around a solid structural frame member of the wheelchair as close to the corner junction of the seat cushion as possible and connect hook to the D-ring (for S-hook tie-downs, see step 4). Pull loose end of tie-down through the buckle, until tight. Repeat with other front tie-down. Pull on all four tie-down assemblies to ensure proper attachment.

3. Attach the Rear Tie-Downs

The rear tie-downs need approximately a 45° angle from the floor. Install the track fitting into a floor track or plate opening that is just to the inside of the rear wheel. Pull on fitting to ensure it is properly engaged in the track and keeper is locked in position and facing away from the wheelchair. Loop
other end of tie-down around a solid structural frame member of the wheelchair as close to the corner junction of the wheelchair back and seat as possible, and connect hook to the D-ring (for S-hook tie-downs, see step 4). Unlock buckle and rotate handle to open position, pull loose end of tie-down to remove slack, rotate handle to closed locked position to tension the tie-down. Repeat with rear tie down.

4. S-hooks

Place the S-hooks around a solid structural frame member of the wheelchair as close to the corner junction of the seat cushion as possible and apply tension to the tie-down. Pull on all four tie-downs to ensure proper attachment.


Do not attach tie-downs to the wheels or any detachable portion of the wheelchair. Tie-down must have a clear, straight path from floor to where it attaches to the wheelchair. Do not allow tie-downs to conform or bend around any object, i.e. the wheels or foot rests. Keep tie-downs away from
sharp edges or corners.

FE500 Manual Series Belts

An economical solution, relied upon for over 20 years.  The FE500 offers maximum versatility and a quick, simple operation. As our most economical solution, the easy-to-use tie-down is available in Cam, Ratchet and Overcenter Buckle assemblies and offers snap hook and D-ring or S-hook attachment styles. The 1” wide strap provides easy attachment to a variety of wheelchair designs allowing the webbing to conform to the structural frame of the wheelchair, minimizing scratches and dents.

Snap Hook and D Ring
The Snap Hook & D-ring configuration provides an easy attachment point for the snap hook on an integrated occupant restraint system.

S-Hook Option
S-hook attachment allows for easy, one-handed wheelchair securement.

Overcenter Buckle or Ratchet Buckle
Overcenter Buckle tie-downs can be used in the front or rear securement points of the wheelchair. They are quick and easy to operate and are a popular choice. With Ratchet Buckle tie-downs, the Parallel Lap Belt attaches directly to the floor track and provides an occupant restraint system that secures the passenger separately and independently from the wheelchair securement system.

Highly Adaptable
1 inch wide tie-down provides easy attachment to a variety of wheelchair designs allowing the webbing to conform to the structural frame of the wheelchair, minimizing scratches and dents.

FE500 retractors, when properly used with a complete Sure-Lok System (comprised of wheelchair tie-down, a complete occupant restraint system, including lap and shoulder belt), track and anchorages are designed to meet the following requirements where applicable:

  • 30mph/20g Impact Test Criteria per SAE J2249
  • 30mph/20g Impact Test Criteria per Canadian Z605 Standard
  • 30mph/20g Impact Test Criteria per National Standards for School Buses
  • 49 CFR Part 38 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • 49 CFR Part 571.222 (FMVSS 222) School Bus Passenger Seating and Crash Protection
  • FMVSS 302 Flammability Test
  • Certificates of Conformance available upon request

Always use two of the same, identical style buckle tie-downs for attachment to the front securement points of the wheelchair and two of the same, identical style buckle tie-downs for attachment to the rear securement points. Mixing types of tie-downs may not provide equal tension and could result in the wheelchair not being properly secured.

Always use Ratchet or Overcenter Buckle tie-downs for attachment to the rear securement points of the wheelchair. Never use Cam Buckle tie-downs for attachment to the rear securement points of the wheelchair as they will not meet system performance requirements.


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Warranty Information

Sure-Lok’s limited warranty coverage applies only to factory defects in materials and workmanship: 1 year limited warranty coverage
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